We apologise that you received the wrong order. We understand how frustrating it can be to receive something you didn't order or expect.
If you've received the wrong order, there are a few steps you can take:
1. Double-check the order confirmation or receipt to ensure that you were charged for the correct items.
2. Check the order packaging thoroughly to make sure the order isn't hidden.
3. If you're able to, contact or return to the restaurant as soon as possible to let them know that you have received the wrong order. Our partners are usually happy to help correct the order or provide a solution.
4. If you're unable to contact the restaurant or if they were unable to provide a solution, please let us know. We recommend taking the first two steps and contacting the restaurant first before writing in, as this can help speed up the resolution.
To report a wrong order, please let us know the incorrect item(s) and include a photo of the order you received.
For missing or incorrect items, please let us know within 7 days of your order date for the best support experience. After this time frame, we may be unable to provide the best resolution.