We apologize for any trouble that you're having with applying your company credit vouchers to your Ritual order.
Here are some steps to help you out:
1. To join your company's credit program, you must first receive a special email invite from your company administrator. If you haven't received this invitation, please request it from your company administrator.
2. Once you've successfully joined the credit program, your company credit vouchers will be redeemable in your Ritual cart. After adding items to your cart, select "Add Promotions," and you will see your credit voucher on eligible orders.
3. Company credit vouchers are configured uniquely for your company by your company administrator. They can be set to be available on selected days and hours and within a selected radius of your office. For information about when and where your credit vouchers are available, please reach out directly to your company administrator or HR team.
Need help? Please let us know by writing in with details.